Attacking CORS Misconfigurations in Modern Web Apps

If you are a developer, you already know that it’s nearly impossible to keep every resource in one place. It’s expensive (because everything has to be managed by one party) and it gets quite messy. So you maybe thinking that developers can potentially use two different domains to sepereate resources on different servers. An API on an
and the User Interface on
, But due to the security mechanism called SOP the context and resources of each website is isolated from each other, which means any resource loaded from cannot be accessed by Which again leads us to the same problem, because if API and UI hosted on two different domains would never be able to access resources from each other, It would make no sense to seperate them at the first place. Thats where the CORS(Cross Origin Resource Sharing) comes to the picture, The method that allows different websites share resources to each other without breaking the SOP.
What is CORS:
CORS stands for CROSS ORIGIN RESOURCE SHARING. This method allows websites to load resources from different domains securely. These resources are usually fonts, images/videos, CSS, ajax requests containing API responses. CORS adds flexibility to Same-Origin-Policy which blocks reading resources from different origins by default. With Same-Origin-Policy, JavaScript can only make calls to URLs that live on the same origin as the location where the script is running. For example, if a JavaScript app wishes to make an AJAX call to an API running on a different domain, it would be blocked from doing so. To overcome this problem, CORS was introduced. CORS allows servers to specify certain trusted ‘origins’ they are willing to permit requests from.
So how do we define origin? Well, origin can be defined as the combination of:
- Protocol: Protocol could be a HTTP or HTTPS.
- Host: This is where your website lives. like or it could be an IP address
- Port: These are communication endpoints. Default port of HTTP is
and or HTTPS it is443
So in order for two Requests’s to have the same origin they must be identical in terms of Protocol, Host, and Port
. That means from the above definition we see that
are two completely different hosts.
How is CORS implemented
When we want a website different than our own to access the resources on our server configration or API configration, we have to include the trusted origins on our server or we can add a wildcard(*). Wildcard means anyone can access our resources regardless of their origin. For example, if we want to allow specific domains to access our server resources, we have to enable the CORS in server configuration. This can be done like:
💡 “Allowed origins: “”
Or we if we want to give access to all website we add
💡 Allowed origins: *
The Server Response Must include the following headers in order to instruct web browser to allow/disallow the specific origin from accessing cross origin resources:
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin
💡 Access-control-allow-credentials
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response indicates whether the response can be shared with requested origin or not, The value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is basically a criteria whethere the origin domin who originate the request is allowed to access the response or not.
💡 Access-control-allow-credentials:
By default, CORS does not include cookies in requests which are not originated from the same origin. So there is another header that we have to add and that is Access-control-Allow-Credentials
This lets the browser to allow the requested whitelisted domain to read the credentials like cookies, authorization headers, tokens or TLS client certificates. The client code must set the withCredentials
property on the XMLHttpRequest
to true
in order to give permission.
The server must respond with the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
header. Responding with this header to true
means that the server allows cookies (or other user credentials) to be included in cross-origin requests.
Types of CORS requests
When two different domains access cross origin resource, There are two types of CORS requests made:
- Simple request
- Preflight request
Simple request: Any request with the method of GET, POST and HEAD is called simple request. In these cases, the browser will directly make a request with origin header in it, without any pre-check. After sending the request, HTTP response headers are checked to determine whether the request should go through or not.
The request with the origin header would go as:
Response from the destination would be either of the following:
Access- Control-Allow-Origin:
(which conveys that this domain is allowed)Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
(which conveys that all domains are allowed)**Error
: An error if the cross-origin requests are not allowed (which conveys that access is not allowed)**
Preflight requests: Any request with the special HTTML Methods eg (PUT/PATCH/DELETE) is deemed as unsafe methods because they affect the integrity of server data. Therefore, before these requests are made to the server, an extra pre-flight OPTIONS request is sent by the browser, this request is called preflight check request. Because its always sent before browser makes the actual request.
The following information is sent to the server in the pre-flight request:
- Origin — The origin header that would be included with the actual request being made by the website.
- Access-Control-Request-Method — The method of the actual request being made by the website.
- Access-Control-Request-Headers — A comma-separated list of headers that would be included in the actual request.
for example:
💡 Origin:
Access-Control-Request-Method: DELETE
Access-Control-Request-Headers: Content-type, Authorization-Bearer
An example response from server would look like this:
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT,DELETE,PATCH,GET,POST,HEAD
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-type, Authorization-Bearer
In this case the actual request is originated from
and so the browser decided the make the above mentioned pre-flight request which contains information that the origin wants to send a HTTP Delete Request to the server. In return the server Responsds with Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
which indicates that origin
is allowed to make the following HTTP Request types mentioned in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods
If any of the information in the response headers does not match the actual parameters of the request, the browser will not send the actual request, thus preventing unwanted side-effects from the server receiving the cross-origin request.
CORS misconfigration and exploitation
Each application is build different hence needs a different CORS configrations. And if CORS configration are not strictly adhrered to the requirements of the application it can lead to Misconfigration issue which may result a security issue with a High impact on the security of a website. A CORS misconfiguration can leave the application-users at a high-risk of compromise of their sensitve information resulting in an impact on the confidentiality and integrity of data by allowing third-party sites to carry out privileged requests to vulnerable websites by posing as authenticated users. The malicious website can also retrieve user setting information or saved payments, cookies etc etc
Here are few common misconfigrations and how to exploit them:
Wildcard(*) misconfigration:
When the browser receives the response, the browser checks the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
to see if it matches the origin of the request. If not, the response is blocked. The check passes such as in this example if either the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
matches the single origin exactly
or contains the wildcard *
operator, Wildcard means that any domain can access the resources of the server.
💡 Get /api/userinfo
After sending the above request if server responds with the following response, Its vulnerable to CORS Misconfigration issue.
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Basic Reflected CORS Misconfig
This CORS Misconfigration is simple yet one of the most found CORS miconfigration in todays modern web applications. In this case whatever the value of Origin Header is set in the request is reflected back in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header in the response.
💡 Get /api/userinfo
After sending the above request if server responds with the following response, Its also a vulnerable to CORS Misconfigration issue.
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
This is a worst case scenario of a misconfigured server which can be easily exploited and can be used to steal user data and credentials, hence affecting the confidentiality and integrity of data.
Bad regex implementation
One of the most common ways to check if the Origin is trusted is to test it against a Regular Expression. Almost all Programming languages provides easy and very powerful Regular Expression modules/functions to check if a Origin in the request matches trusted Origin. Sometimes, functions or regular expression itself either misused or not very well creafted by developers and when you see this it can be possible to bypass weak input validation functions. These rules are often implemented by matching URL prefixes or suffixes, or using regular expressions. Any mistakes in the implementation can lead to access being granted to unintended external domains.
Example: Lets say i want to whitelist all the subdomains of the , So i created an weak regex which is example\.com
which will match all the strings which contain in them. But the fact that
is also matched to the expression but this subdomain is not the subdomain of and Hence would allow attacker to perform attack from
The attacker can use the following methods of origin on vulnerable website :
💡 Get /api/userinfo
After sending the above request if server responds with the response with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set to your domain sent in request, Its vulnerable to CORS misconfigration.
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Whitelisted All Subdomains misconfigration
Mistakes often arise when implementing CORS origin whitelists. Some organizations decide to allow access from all their subdomains including the ones not in existence yet(like * And some applications allow access from various other organizations’ domains, including their subdomains.
The attacker can use the following methods of origin on vulnerable website :
💡 Get /api/userinfo
If a server responds with any of the above domain in response with credentials set to true, then the server is exploitable.
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
The following type of CORS misconfigration is only exploitable when attacker manages to find XSS or subdomain takeover vulnerability in any of victims subdomains
Exploiting CORS via XSS:
Suppose we have a website, and it has some whitelisted subdomains in CORS policy. Since these subdomains trust each other completely, if the subdomain is vulnerable to XSS, attacker can exploit the XSS in vulnerable subdomain and inject some JavaScript that uses CORS to retrieve sensitive information from the that trusts the vulnerable application.
NULL origin:
During our experiance in Testing CORS on hundrends of websites, We found Some websites returns Access-Control-Allow-Origin:NULL
and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:true
when ogigin is set to NULL (origin:Null
💡 Get /api/userinfo
Origin: Null
If a server responds with any of the above domain in response with credentials set to true, then the server is exploitable.
💡 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Null
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
The following type of CORS misconfigration is exploitable using the sandboxed iframe technique.
Cors was implemented to make it possible for websites to share resources with each other with least impact on security. However, this introduced a vast number of security risks. If CORS is not properly configured it can lead to high security impact on the website, affecting Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of company data.
Additionally, We recently published a thread about How to Look for Insecure CORS Configuration
vulnerabilities. If you haven’t read that already, we urge you to spend the time reading it and give us a follow too.
How to Look for "Insecure CORS Configuration" vulnerabilities.
— Snap Sec (@snap_sec) December 5, 2021
[A thread 🧵]#appsec #bugbounty #bugbountytips #cybersecurity
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Snapsec is a team of security experts specialized in providing pentesting and other security services to secure your online assets. We have a specialized testing methodology which ensures indepth testing of your business logic and other latest vulnerabilities.
If you are looking for a team which values your security and ensures that you are fully secure against online security threats, feel free to get in touch with us