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Attacking 2FA in Modern Web Apps

You might be familiar with the annoying OTPS or other authentication tokens delivered right after you log into your favorite site. This article will help you to understand the purpose...

Attacking CORS Misconfigurations in Modern Web Apps

If you are a developer, you already know that it’s nearly impossible to keep every resource in one place. It’s expensive (because everything has to be managed by one party)...

A Hacker Mindset

Whenever the word hacker strikes your ears your mind will always conjure up a picture of a hoodie wearing computer genius with multiple screens in front of him lit with...

Attacking Business Logic issues in Modern Web Apps

The complexity of the modern applications has increased exponentially in the past decade. Unfortunately, this has also increased the attacker surface and hence increased the total number of vulnerabilities that...

How data breaches effects your business and brand value

A data breach is a revenue-killing monster that no business wants to deal with. The cost of that nightmare starts right away and doesn’t stop until the last piece of...

Abusing Business Logic of an Application to create backdoor in a form APP

Working with a target having various access roles and functionalities always gives us goosebumps. This time it was a design flaw in the application logic that we reformed to create...