Privacy Policy

Effective March 23, 2023

Type of information we collect online

This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non‑personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Information you Provide

This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non‑personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data of visiting Websites online.

This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non‑personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Demo Requests

When you request a demo of our services, we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, company name, and job title to fulfill your request and provide you with relevant information about our products.

Website Visits

When you visit our website, certain personal data may be collected, such as your IP address, browser type, device information, and browsing behavior. This information helps us improve our website's functionality, tailor content to your preferences, and analyze trends in visitor traffic.

Product Automatic Registrations

If you register for our products online, we may collect personal data including your name, contact details, and account credentials to set up and manage your account effectively.

Information that maybe cancelled automatically

In certain instances, SnapSec Suite may automatically cancel or remove certain types of information from our systems. This process is designed to uphold your privacy and ensure the efficient management of data within our platform.

Firstly, we may automatically cancel temporary or transient data that is no longer necessary for the provision of our services or for the purpose for which it was collected. This includes session-related data or cached information that is only relevant during your active usage of our suite. By promptly removing such data, we minimize the risk of unauthorized access and reduce the storage burden on our systems.

Secondly, we may implement automated cancellation mechanisms for data that has reached the end of its retention period as per our internal policies or legal requirements. This ensures that we adhere to data retention best practices and regulatory obligations. For instance, personal information collected for a specific transaction or interaction may be automatically cancelled after the completion of the relevant purpose, unless there is a legitimate reason for further retention.

Lastly, we may employ automated cancellation procedures for data that is deemed obsolete or redundant for the ongoing operation of SnapSec Suite. This could include outdated user preferences, inactive accounts, or deprecated features. By regularly reviewing and cancelling such information, we maintain the integrity and relevance of our data ecosystem, streamlining the user experience and optimizing system performance.

In all cases, the automatic cancellation of information is conducted in accordance with our Privacy Policy and applicable laws. We are committed to transparency regarding our data handling practices, and users will be duly informed about any automatic cancellation processes that may affect their information.

How we use your Information

At SnapSec Suite, we are committed to utilizing your information responsibly and transparently. We do not engage in selling or using your data for marketing purposes. Instead, we focus on utilizing the data to enhance your experience within our suite and provide valuable updates and notifications.

Your information is primarily utilized to ensure seamless integration of your accounts with SnapSec Suite, enabling you to access and utilize our suite's functionalities effectively. Additionally, we may use your information to provide you with important updates, notifications, and relevant information regarding our services, ensuring that you are informed about any changes or improvements that may enhance your user experience. Rest assured, your data remains secure and is solely utilized to enrich your interaction with SnapSec Suite.

Data Usage Commitment

We strictly refrain from selling any user data for commercial purposes. Our commitment is to utilize the data collected solely for enhancing user experience and improving our services.

Marketing Avoidance

SnapSec Suite does not engage in marketing activities using user data. We respect user privacy by ensuring that their information is not used for targeted advertising or promotional campaigns.

No Third-party Sharing

We do not share user data with third parties for any purposes, including marketing or advertising. Your information remains confidential and is only accessible to authorized personnel for internal use within SnapSec Suite.

Transparency and Accountability

We uphold transparency and accountability in our data usage practices. Any data collected is processed responsibly and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations, ensuring the protection of user privacy at all times.

Data Privacy and Security Policy for Google Users

Why is Information Cancelled?

This means that data that directly identifies you — such as your name — is personal data, and also data that does not directly identify you, but that can reasonably be used to identify you — such as the serial number of your device — is personal data. Aggregated data is considered non‑personal data for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

1. Data Collection

When you integrate your accounts with SnapSec Suite using our Google app, we may collect certain information to provide you with our suite's functionalities. This information may include but is not limited to:

  • Account Detais=ls (e.g., username, emails) necessary for authentication.
  • Account metadata required for account integration.
  • Usage data, such as actions performed within the app for improving user experience and troubleshooting.
  • 2. Data Usage

    We utilize the collected data solely for the purpose of providing and improving the functionalities of SnapSec Suite. This includes:

  • Enabling account integration and connection with our suite's services.
  • Providing personalized experiences based on user preferences and usage patterns.
  • Enhancing the security and performance of our services.
  • 3. Data Storage and Security

    We maintain robust security measures to safeguard the data collected through our Google app. This includes encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. We store data securely on servers hosted in compliance with industry standards.

    4. Data Sharing

    We do not sell, rent, or share your personal data for marketing purposes. The information collected is strictly used for the operation and enhancement of SnapSec Suite. However, we may share data with trusted third-party service providers solely for the purpose of facilitating our services, subject to confidentiality agreements and legal requirements.

    5. Data Retention

    We retain the data collected only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as required by law. Users have the right to request the deletion of their data from our systems, subject to legal obligations and technical constraints.

    6. User Controls

    Users have the right to access, update, or delete their personal information stored within our Google app. They can manage their account settings and preferences through the app interface or by contacting our support team for assistance.

    7. Children's Privacy

    Our Google app is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us immediately, and we will take appropriate steps to remove such information from our systems.

    8. Updates to this Policy

    We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify users of any material changes to this Policy through the app or other appropriate channels. Continued use of the app after such changes constitutes acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

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